Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mission Statement

In this first post I just wanna talk a little bit about the blog and how I see it as a project. I have been skating in Eugene, Oregon for almost ten years now. There were times, sometimes months at a time where I wouldn't skate a short board or even ollie but I always rode a longboard for transportation and I have never even owned a vehicle so I have basically been skateboarding for transportation and recreation for ten years now. I started skateboarding late at eighteen years of age and I didn't even really get to skate much for the first two years I was trying to learn as I was in vocational school near Estacada, Oregon where skateboarding had been outlawed due to a video myself and some friends made on a digital 8mm and edited on VCR's of us doing tricks and generally being assholes on campus, basically think low rent Jackass. So as a result I spent a lot of time doing flatland in my room and watching Rodney Mullen videos. Since then I've gotten out whenever I could considering I worked a lot my first few years of skating, but I've never really tried incredibly hard to progress, I've always just done what was fun and interesting to me. I have always been a skate nerd however and been inspired to progress by all the great many skaters that I watch in videos and on The Berrics and in Street League and I want to make a place to document not only my progression but the progression of the many skaters I have and intend to skate with and film in Eugene. I plan on posting a video in nearly every blog post and doing interviews with local people in the Eugene skateboarding scene. also filming local skaters and having featured skaters on the blog with footage accompanying a post about their lifestyle and perception of skateboarding in Eugene. I will also report on things relevant to the scene such as the proposed Dreamland Park under the Washington Jefferson bridge. I hope to add many features as the blog goes on but I hope for now everyone will enjoy what I have to present, and as a sign off to this first post I would like to show three small videos that I have made and quickly edited after a few sessions of skateboarding I hope you all enjoy, and never stop skating Eugene streets.

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